East Leake Singers, welcome to West Bridgford! We will be seated differently to start with. I'd like you to try and sit in your colours mixing the 2 larger choirs together. We'll run some of the 'together' songs first - then we'll have each choir 'perform' to the rest of us starting as we will … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 11.12.23 – ALL TOGETHER!
Category: Rehearsal Plans
Rehearsal Planning 04.12.23
Now it's getting seriously good fun! I'd like to run the non-Christmas songs first - literally one after another. We'll do them by batch and they not to degenerate into chatting between every song (please). Cold Heart Lyrics 2022Download Royals LyricsDownload Valerie LyricsDownload Then we'll chat about these songs, find any sticky bits and sort … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 04.12.23
Rehearsal Planning 20.11.23
A mixture of Christmas and not this session but all towards the concert at the end of the year. We'll have a decent warm up. Let's go through Everybody's Changing. It's really, really good but I know a couple of you wanted to do more work on it (from the poll) Everybody's Changing LyricsDownload Deep … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 20.11.23
Rehearsal Planning 13.11.23
Let's Jingle All The Way! Let's start where we ended last week with Away in a Manger Away in a Manger 2022Download We'll run through Carol of the Bells Carol Of The Bells Lyrics ChartDownload I know the team of ladies clapping have been working hard on White Winter, so we'll have a run through … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 13.11.23
Rehearsal Planning 06.11.23
OK so we now have rehearsals for 3 weeks running! You lucky people! I would sincerely love it if you could make as many as possible. Attendance is becoming really important as we approach gigs/concert. Please don't not attend then expect for it to be OK to turn up and sing at gigs. It won't. … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 06.11.23
Rehearsal Planning 23.10.23
Ok, we have a small amount of catching up to do, but we have plenty of time to do it. We'll have a warm up and then I'd like to go through Cold Heart please. We'll see how it sounds and we may need to pull at some of the harmonies. Cold Heart Lyrics 2022Download … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 23.10.23
Rehearsal Planning 09.10.23
Ok. It's fa la la la la, la la la la all the way now everyone! We'll have a rousing lovely warm up. I'd like to run through all the harmony parts for the Christmas songs - let's face it, it's a year since we've sung them and it's highly likely that we've forgotten parts … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 09.10.23
Rehearsal Planning 25.09.23
Let's get stuck in with a warm up or two. Then straight on to Valerie please. Valerie LyricsDownload I'd like to continue with Somewhere only we know please. We'll start with the ahhh section and then run from the top. Remember, it's in 6 parts so we'll need to adjust your mindset accordingly! Somewhere only … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 25.09.23