Rehearsal Planning 06.11.23

OK so we now have rehearsals for 3 weeks running! You lucky people! I would sincerely love it if you could make as many as possible. Attendance is becoming really important as we approach gigs/concert. Please don’t not attend then expect for it to be OK to turn up and sing at gigs. It won’t. You will have missed vital teaching. Enough nagging……

First, a warm up…..

Right. Let’s nail Royals. Properly.

If you need to recap your harmonies, they are on the shared drive… or here!

Royals ALL PARTS Guide
Royals RED Guide
Royals YELLOW Guide
Royals GREEN Guide
Royals BLUE Guide

OK. Once we have got that into a passable state (!) We’ll move on to Cold Heart

And Valerie

Let’s have a break before we get into Christmas.

I need to go over Somewhere only we know so that we all know what’s going on. Harmonies and conducting videos are on this website – you can search them and they are all categorised and labelled. Ask a Beryl if you’re stuck!

Vienna next please – we are signing this with East Leake at the big gig so we need it to work well.

Let’s sing something we know we are good at!

A little more time on Stay Another Day just to keep it fresh please.

And let’s go over Away in a Manger.

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