Check out Royals at the end. It’s made fab progress!
You all worked really hard last night – thank you for your energy and focus. The 45 mins we spent on Royals was really worth it – you can hear it in the recording. I know it still needs work and judging by the poll last night, so do you. We will do more on it in 2 week – we still have time.
Cold Heart is sounding better and better – just remember which bits you’re singing!
I would like to go over some specific bits of songs for different parts. I’ll work out a way to best do this – I may take colours out into the vestibule in the breaks.
Thank you all again.
Next week is full on Christmas as we approach there Lights Switch On – the Christmas songs are the same as we’ll sing at all of the gigs and concert so it’s important still to attend. See you next week!