All together now! Right, important stuff everyone. In order to keep things moving along, when I'm ready to teach I will RAISE MY HANDS. I don't want to raise my voice. Please take this as a sign to finish up your chats and get ready to sing. It's really important that you don't talk to … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 17.04.23
Category: Rehearsal Plans
Rehearsal Planning 20.03.23 ALL TOGETHER
I'd like to start with the trickier/newer songs.... Woman lyricsDownload It must be love lyricsDownload Giant lyricsDownload We'll sing through and make sure everything is in place. Any areas we need to go over, we can do so. Little break - Liberty Belles micro rehearsal please x Next, Green green grass lyricsDownload Dear Darlin LyricsDownload … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 20.03.23 ALL TOGETHER
Rehearsal Planning Nightingales 06.03.23 and Songbirds 13.03.23
Hey ho - Let's GO! We've just got these two rehearsals separately before we come together for the one before the gig. Just to remind you, the set list for the Portello gig is: Green green grass, Giant, It must be love, Dear Darlin', Woman, One day like this, King, Read my mind and Don't … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning Nightingales 06.03.23 and Songbirds 13.03.23
Rehearsal Planning 13.02.23 and 27.02.23
So, the break for half term now no longer falls in half term - this is to accommodate Lutterell Hall's commitment to sanding and revarnishing the listed floor. If this stuffs up your plans, do please come along to the alternate rehearsals where possible. Nightingales 13.02.23 Week off 20.02.23 Songbirds 27.02.23 Nightingales 06.03.23 Songbirds 13.03.23 … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 13.02.23 and 27.02.23
Rehearsal Planning 30.01.23 (Nightingales) and 06.02.23 (Songbirds)
I'd like to continue with 'Giant'. Giant lyricsDownload I'm going to add the tiniest bit of harmony for the red on 'Green green grass' - the rest of us we'll work on the rhythms and nuances of the rest of the song. Green green grass lyricsDownload Let's have a crack at the harmonies on 'It … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 30.01.23 (Nightingales) and 06.02.23 (Songbirds)
Rehearsal Planning 16.01.23 and 23.01.23
Nightingales first on the 16th with new singers and then Songbirds on the 23rd. The songs we sing will be roughly the same! We'll start with a sing through of all of the new material after we've done a warm up. New singers, please sit where you like for the start and I'll move you … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 16.01.23 and 23.01.23
Rehearsal Planning 09.01.23 (Birthday Celebrations – new singers please join next week)
It's an evening to come and celebrate! Get your choir merch on and bring your biggest smiles and voices. Our fab choir launched 5 years ago (nearly today). We'll be reminiscing and Notts TV will be filming. Here are our songs...... Viva La Vida LyricsDownload Chasing Cars pdfDownload And just because we did actually sing … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning 09.01.23 (Birthday Celebrations – new singers please join next week)
Rehearsal Planning BEVOX singers only please 12.12.22
Let's try to arrive by 7.15pm so we can set the chairs out - I want you to be seated correctly before we start - it's important because the sound will be very different for you. If you're unable to make this rehearsal, please let someone you sit near know - they can save your … Continue reading Rehearsal Planning BEVOX singers only please 12.12.22