Rehearsal Planning 17.04.23

All together now!

Right, important stuff everyone. In order to keep things moving along, when I’m ready to teach I will RAISE MY HANDS. I don’t want to raise my voice. Please take this as a sign to finish up your chats and get ready to sing. It’s really important that you don’t talk to people who are trying to listen – including when I’m going over parts one colour at a time. I will, as usual, have two breaks to give you time to catch up and chat. You are also very welcome to hang around at the end for a little time – or go to the pub! Your cooperation is important for the smooth running of sessions especially as we are now all singing back as one group. Thank you.

A lovely warm up and then we’ll have a sing of our 3 new songs!

We’ll have a little break and then I’d like to start work on Everybody’s Changing which is in 3 parts. It’s a thing of beauty.

I’d like to go back in time and have another go at Only Yesterday

And let’s have a total throw back (to show off to any new singers) and do Sweet Disposition!

Another little break.

OK and once again, back in time to a bit of Vienna…

And let’s sing some stuff we are totally fab at…..

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