I've looked at the poll and gone through old polls to find what you've enjoyed singing. So here's the plan! A festive warm up to start with: First half - classic Liberty Bangers. One day like this One day like thisDownload Demons Demons LyricsDownload Read my mind read my mind lyricsDownload Goodbye Yellow Brick Road … Continue reading Rehearsal Plans Songbirds/Alkonosts (6th) and Nightingales (13th)
Category: Rehearsal Plans
Rehearsal Plan 22.11.21 (Songbirds and Alkonost) and 29.11.21 (Nightingales)
Here's the plot everyone.... We'll start with a warm ups and I'd like to see what sound like singing 'Vienna' again please Vienna lyricsDownload Throw back song 'Linger' LingerDownload ** Monday 22nd** We have a little. bit of treasure at teatime!!!! Followed by.... 'Just Like Heaven' Just like heaven lyrics copyDownload Let's have another crack … Continue reading Rehearsal Plan 22.11.21 (Songbirds and Alkonost) and 29.11.21 (Nightingales)
We’ve only just begun – Workshop Notes
Thanks to everyone who has signed up for the workshop. These are the harmony lines - you're not expected to prepare, they're just in case you wanted to have a listen before the session. Please print the lyrics... we've only just begunDownload We've only just begun - PINK - Guide Track We've only just begun … Continue reading We’ve only just begun – Workshop Notes
Rehearsal Plan 08.11.21 (Songbirds/Alkonosts) and 15.11.21 (Nightingales)
Oh yes! Here we go! But fear not - it's not all fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la all night long. I'm going to split the session up a bit. We'll have a warm up of sorts..... I'd like to continue with the two songs we chose to work on from the poll. 'One day like this' I'd like to … Continue reading Rehearsal Plan 08.11.21 (Songbirds/Alkonosts) and 15.11.21 (Nightingales)
Rehearsal Plan SONGBIRDS Monday 25th October
I've been looking at the polls, having a think and here's what I've come up with. We'll always start with some sort of warm up - of course. I'd like us to learn 'Waterloo' in just 2 parts. Totally new for everyone x Waterloo lyricsDownload Let's work on the songs I talked about in the … Continue reading Rehearsal Plan SONGBIRDS Monday 25th October
Rehearsal Plan NIGHTINGALES 11.10.21
We'll have a warm up..... I'd like to start with 'The Air that I breathe' from the archives! The Air That I Breathe PROPER LYRICDownload Let's have a sing through of 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' as this one is very nearly finished. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road copyDownload I'd like to work on and re-teach the … Continue reading Rehearsal Plan NIGHTINGALES 11.10.21
Rehearsal Plan SONGBIRDS 04.10.21
We'll start with some ludicrous warm up no doubt....xx 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' we'll go again through the harmonies and the harmonies in the verse. I think this one will be very nearly done by then and the Nightingales are also doing really well with it. Brilliant work everyone. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road copyDownload After … Continue reading Rehearsal Plan SONGBIRDS 04.10.21
Rehearsal Plan 20.09.21 SONGBIRDS and ALKONOST (Online zoom session)
Here's the plan... Let's start with an old favourite from the archives..... The Fear the-fear-–-lily-allen-2009Download We'll work again on 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road'. I'd like to take another stab at the chorus harmonies as well as the verses! Goodbye Yellow Brick Road copyDownload I'd love to have a sing through of 'Creep'.... Creep Lyrics (clean)-1 … Continue reading Rehearsal Plan 20.09.21 SONGBIRDS and ALKONOST (Online zoom session)