Rehearsal Notes and Audio 19.02.24

19.02.24 Part 1
19.02.24 Part 2

If you’d like to cheer yourself up this morning, have a listen to this!

Martha’s Harbour (Circle Singing)

Lovely rehearsal last night everyone. Thanks for your energy and embracing the listening tasks of drawing the music. Was it helpful? I thought the increased listening meant more people could access the harmonies without distractions and therefore we learned more – did you find the same?!

Harbour – we continue to work on this – the harmonies aren’t easy especially for the yellows but when we revisited this at the end of the evening it was much better! Great work.

Martha’s Harbour is fast becoming a banger and sounded really beautiful last night.

Don’t Shut Me Down was a triumph – when isn’t it!? (Thanks Wendy)

We made a start on Castle on the Hill – please sing at your best octave. We’ll carry on with this next time – I don’t think it’ll take long to get right.

She’s Electric was fab again – just a couple of bits to polish (2nd verse for the reds) and we need to maintain the energy throughout… this will come as we get more and more confident.

Creep was lovely again. The choral harmonies although simple are quite tricky and I felt we really nailed them last night.

We then removed the chairs, got into different groupings and sand the 2 watery songs again in a circle. I love the circle. I like that you can see and hear each other better. Marvellous work.

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