Rehearsal Notes and Audio 09.10.23

Thank you lovely singers for your marvellous voices last night!

WBLS 09.12.23 Part 1
WBLS 09.12.23 Part 2
WBLS 09.12.23 Part 3

We are VERY nearly there with Valerie – such a happy song!

Royals is still going to need some attention – this is OK, we have time. I think once we nail this we’ll all feel an immense sense of pride and achievement.

Stay Another Day is sounding absolutely beautiful. It appears complicated but actually it’s repetitive – so we need to make something of the dynamics – the nuances in the volume to make it really shine. We can do this easily.

White Winter Hymnal was a good start – the oohs section is tricky, especially for the green singers. We’ll work more on this. Do have a listen if you’ve time. Once a few of you have got it, the others will follow (the pack….all swaddled in their coats….. with scarves of red tied round their throats!)

WWH – Green (1 minute in for the ooh’s section)

We had a romp through Underneath the Tree – sounded great! Well done! And Everybody’s Changing was lovely.

We didn’t get chance to sing through O Holy Night or Carol of the Bells so we’ll get on with these next time.

We DID get chance to hear Marijke talk to us about SADS week and how to use a defibrillator so massive thanks to her for that and to you all for listening.

Huge thanks also to Lucie and The Liberty Dream Team for all their work behind the scenes for our fabulous Christmas Concert WHICH HAS SOLD OUT!!!! Amazing!!! xxxx

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