After we’ve finished basking in the total glory of our Proms gig, it’s back to business with the other songs ready for Portello on Monday 25th July.
Let’s start with something we know and adore….
It’s going to be quite heavy on the teaching again this week….. I want to totally nail
We need to do a little more work on
The something we are good at again
Tea break – is there anyone you saw at the Proms that you’d never met before!? A good chance to go and say hello again. Please don’t be worried about asking people what their name is – they’ll probably be grateful because then they can ask you yours!
Back to work on
Let’s have a throw back to
The more learning with
I’ll be making a decision after this as to whether we want to perform it or not. It could be absolutely brilliant but I really need a buy in from the whole choir if it’s going to work. If not, I’ll quietly ditch it.
We can end with a couple of requests if you’re not all totally worn out!