Thank you for joining us and welcome to the West Bridgford Liberty Singers!
You’ll need to join the Facebook group to be kept up to date, to keep up with the news and to maintain the community.
You can join HERE
Please see the term dates.
If you plan to leave us at any point, please let us know – this enables us to open up the waiting list for other people.
From June, your £16.50 recurring payment will leave your account every month and covers all of the choir breaks.
Please bring your own refreshments for the evening (no alcohol please as Lutterell Hall is a licensed premises) – this is to save our precious singing time! We will still make time for you to chat to each other and catch up properly.
You’ll need to access the ChoirMate app to download lyrics and access learning tracks. The invitation and code for this will arrive by email when you subscribe.
We run our choir with a colour system which you can find out more about here.