Category: Uncategorised
My Love, My Life – The Liberty Chorus
My Love, My Life - LOCKDOWN MIX May 2020 The Liberty Chorus are a collection of around 20 ladies who met monthly for two hours at Beehive Hair Design to sing together. They are currently meeting online via zoom to rehearse. We can see each other, but we still can't sing together! Working with a … Continue reading My Love, My Life – The Liberty Chorus
Protected: My love, my life – The Liberty Chorus
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Sweet Disposition on BBC Radio Nottingham
WBLS sweet disposition radio Nottingham Our fabulous grown up Online Liberty Singers created this piece of magic last week! They recorded themselves at home to pre-recorded harmony tracks and I then stitched 51 voices together in 6 part harmony. They sound amazing! Here's a little bit of them from the radio this morning......
Protected: Virtual Dreams – The Liberty Chorus
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Ahead of rehearsal on Monday 2nd March…
We'll be working on 'Chocolate' which is in 4 parts. For a refreshing change, its the GREENS who get the main tune throughout!!! Here are the parts if you'd like a listen in advance. I Will be teaching it all at the rehearsal. Chocolate YELLOW Chocolate RED Chocolate ALL FOUR PARTS Chocolate GREEN Chocolate BLUE
Just in case any of you have missed it or been asleep during rehearsal - this is the song list for this term. We have sung through everything but aren't working on everything as it's a lot. If you'd like to familiarise yourself with the songs feel free but be aware that you might be … Continue reading SONG LIST FOR THIS TERM
Rehearsal Audio 24.02.20
Bring a Bloke week went down well! With record number of male voices (16!!!!) so a huge thank you for everyone who encouraged/nagged the men they know to come along. Let's hope they all come back! The difference in the sound was noticeable even though they weren't familiar with the songs so I'm delighted. Here's … Continue reading Rehearsal Audio 24.02.20