Really lovely session last night everyone! It sounded great in the new seating format and you looked happy and bright. Well done!
We talked tonight about an emergency contact form. If anything happened to you at rehearsal or at a concert, who would we call and how would we get hold of them? It’s totally opt in. The information will be collected on Microsoft forms and only myself and Vicky will ever have access to it. By filling it in, you are giving us permission to hold this data and share it if necessary (healthcare professionals etc).
We started with Green green grass – we added some more energy to it and reminded ourselves that there are literally no little instrumental breaks. It felt much more like a party by the end.
It Must Be Love went really well too. Nice gentle articulation and we worked on the harmonies.
Giant is really making good progress but I think the highlight was David on the trumpet! Brilliant work and thank you so much for taking it on.

Dear Darlin’ needed a little more work than expected – keep at it. We’ve nailed this one before and we’ll do it again. Thanks for your patience as we went through each part.
Woman sounding much better now I’ve let the greens sing the yellow part! Hurray. A bit more volume needed from reds and blues and we’ll be away!
King sounding good – we just recapped the bit where it goes very quiet. We’ll be doing a little more work on the dynamics of songs in the coming weeks – you’re all perfectly capable of following the nuances of the song…. I just need to remember to lead them.
We finished with Read My Mind and we really did save the best until last. Cracking work – lovely sound!