I’d like to warm up with ‘Peace and Love, Strength and Hope’ which I’ll teach to you all. It’s a lovely little song appropriate for our challenging times.
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I’d like to have another go through ‘Dear Darlin’
And work again on the chorus and make a start on the verses please. There are a few little new bits – Dom doms for the blues etc.
I’d also like to work on ‘Spectrum’ please.
We’ll have a little break.
Back to business.
I’d like to work more on the harmonies for this for the yellows. Don’t forget that many yellows have gone over to be with the Greens for this one. (because the greens have the tune. For once)
A sing through Green green grass
And a chunk of work on another new song King
Happy ending – Let’s bit the bullet and allocate the parts!
And we’ll finish with something from the dim and distant archives….