Right, let’s get down to it!
We need to sort out the curtains….
Let us continue to nail ‘Creep’ I’d like to really get to grips with conducting that end section please.
We need a good long look at ‘With or without you’
Let’s continue to murder ‘Vienna’ – we’ll nail this… we really will!
And I’d love to keep going with ‘Only Yesterday’ especially for the yellows – it’s the hardest part.
Let’s blast ‘Spectrum’ please.
And we’ll finish with the good stuff…
Next week (Monday 20th) will be a run through of everything… how exciting!
If you haven’t marked yourself attending for the Proms gig in our events section, please do. Rushcliffe council need to know rough numbers. If at the last minute you can’t make the performance, please let your section leader know.