Oooh exciting stuff!!!!!! If you’re new tonight I’ll welcome you and speak to you about the voice parts in our choir so you can choose where to sit. As I mentioned, we have no room for sopranos (red, high voices) at the moment.
All of the lyrics can be found on our shared drive which I will be moving over to in the next few weeks. For now, I’ve included the lyrics in this blog but that will stop. See if you can access the shared drive!
West Bridgford Liberty Singers

We’ll be mixing up singing through new songs with learning old ones and re-invigorating others with a bit of new learning in the middle.
We’ll start with a warm up – I don’t want to horrify new singers!
Let’s start with a new one.
And a sing through of…
And back in time to Demons where we can work through some of the harmonies.
Can’t beat a bit of showboating so we’ll have a little show off with Don’t shut me down…
We’ll have a little break. Time to catch up with your friends and make new ones! I’ll have a chat with the new singers and make sure they’re ok.
I’d like to nit-pick through Vienna please. There’s a little bit near the end which is consistently wrong and I’d love to get it right. I’ll go through the harmonies really briefly.
I’d like to make a start on learning the harmonies from scratch for ‘Dear Darlin”
We now might need another lie down… we’ll have another short break.
Let’s have a sing through of ‘Happy Ending’ because we haven’t sung it for about 2 years.
Let’s sing through ‘Always on my mind’
And let’s finish with a bit of showing off……. to remind ourselves of what we can achieve.