Rehearsal Audio and Notes 18.07.22

I couldn’t believe how many of you actually came to sing! It looked like around 55 – well done everyone.

It was a shorter rehearsal just going over a few bits. Vienna was magnificent and definitely ready for next weeks gig. Only Yesterday sounding much better (except for the instrumental section, we can wafter way through this…. or check out your harmony parts!). Spectrum was fab. So, for the chorus, let the reds start and then everyone else comes in with the ‘naaammmmeee’ bit once the drums kick in. Don’t worry – watch me conduct and I’ll bring you in.

California Dreaming’ was great once I’d sorted out my mistakes with the parts – I’ve changed them on the website now too.

Forgot to sing Sweet Caroline but we’ll be winging this with the rest of the pub anyway.

WBLS 18.07.22 Part 1
WBLS 18.07.22 Part 2
WBLS 18.07.22 Part 3

Lovely to see so many of you at the bar afterwards – see you next week for the gig!

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