Well done Nightingales! I invited you to sing out stronger and you took up the challenge! Some lovely sounds tonight – thank you. No audio recording from tonight as the teaching was the same as last week (although I actually wish I’d captured some of the singing!)
We started with ‘Don’t Shut Me Down’ moving through the harmonies. We went over the first chorus – the second chorus changes key and the lower parts are also different….. it’s going to take a while to get through this one but I assure you, it’ll be well worth it. Thanks to Barbara and Zoe who duetted the solo stuff at the start! It sounded great!
We sang ‘Mr Brightside’ and ‘A Little Respect’ for the sheer joy of it!
During the tea break we talked about the Vocal Coaching Programme and I asked you to save the date

This is for an event hosted by Rushcliffe council. It might be the Proms in the Park or something similar – they’re still very much in the planning stage, but it’s something I really want us to get involved with so I’ve said YES to them!
We worked more on ‘Ordinary World’ – massive thanks to Jo who recorded the harmony line for the lower section on the second verse – it’s really not very easy so I’ll host it in the harmonies section for you to catch up with if you’d like to. Lovely song and you sang it beautifully.
We worked again on ‘Vienna’ and then ‘Always On My Mind’ – it’s a Pet Shop Boys sandwich but the lower part isn’t always singing the same as the upper….. we’ll keep going with it!
We had a go at ‘Uptown Girl’ which really needs a good going through…… and finished with ‘Torn’.
Please note the skip in dates to accommodate half term, so Nightingales, I’ll see you all in 2 weeks on 21st February.
Really, really well done for tonight.