A really, really lovely evening! Thank you all x
We got through ‘Waterloo’ in 2 parts.
‘One day like this’ is really taking shape too. We managed to get right up to the curtain throwing section.
‘With or without you’ sounding really lovely – I’m enjoying listening to the different kinds of voices we marked this piece out with (strong, wistful etc) We’ll continue with this and go through the choral section next time.
‘Creep’ was truly lovely (excuse the pink singing – sorry) But the rest of it sounded really delicate and wonderful. Really well done!
‘Read my mind’ was good – I still feel we need to get more confidence with it as a song but it’s ok – we have time.
‘Sweet Disposition’ was marvellous as was ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’.
There are definitely moments when we sounds just as strong as we always were – congratulations to all of you – especially the newer singers!
There’s no audio from 1st November as the session was the same as the previous week (with slightly different jokes). Moving forwards, I will be teaching exactly the same thing to both halves of the choir (and the online zoom session which falls in line with the Songbird Sessions)