I’m sad to say this looks a little different to what I’d planned BUT we won’t be silenced! I’m running the first two sessions of the year (10th and 17th January) on Zoom only – I’ve cancelled Lutterell Hall for these evenings. I’m hopeful that we can return as soon as we feel safe to. In the meantime, everyone is invited to every online session and I’ll try to be as detailed as possible about what we are doing to enable you to pick and choose which bits you’d like to do.
For example, if you hate vocal want ups, come late. If you don’t want to sing the older songs, just come for the ‘teaching’ bits. If you hate the breakout rooms, turn your camera off and make tea (in fact you can come and go as you please – it never disturbs the rehearsal if you leave then come back etc)
So, roughly the format will be:
7.30-7.45pm – Vocal Warm Up
7.45-8.15pm – Blasts from the Past
8.15-8.30pm – Tea Break(out)
8.30-9.30pm – New songs and teaching.
Each week I’ll set out exactly the songs with the lyrics so that you’re completely prepared.

Thank you, again, for your patience, support and understanding.
If you feel strongly that you don’t want to participate online, I will still be ‘teaching’ the newer songs when we are back together. If you feel you’d like to pause your payments then you are, of course, welcome to do so – just drop me a note so I know. Many thanks.