And just like that, our autumn term has ended! It seems to have flown by. We’ve managed to negotiate the difficulties of the QR codes, the uncertainty or what to expect and knocked out some truly lovely songs together. We’ve met new people, managed to keep people with us on zoom (for the most part!) and enjoyed singing together again.
I know that for many of you, singing and our choir has been the light in dark times so I’d like to thank all of you for your commitment and support over this last few months. You’ve been my light in the dark too and I’ve felt every positive benefit of us being together again. Thank you.
So, Songbirds (and Alkonosts) are back on Monday 10th January and the Nightingales on Monday 17th January. There will be some new songs and some revisiting going on. Hang on to your hats!
The doors are open for both face to face and online singers, so if you have any friends you think might like to join us/you then do please ask them to get in touch directly with me,
We have an online Christmas singing session on Wednesday 22nd December which you’re all welcome to come along to and if you can’t make it, I wish you a very, very Merry Christmas.