We are delighted to be back at Lutterell Hall this September! Thank you to everyone who stayed online and for all of those who patiently waited for us to return. By now, everyone will have registered and paid their monthly subs.
Here are some things you might need to know:
From September, I plan to split the face to face choir in half and rehearse each choir fortnightly. This will have a maximum capacity of 75 per choir half.

The Songbirds are loosely made up of the online singers and start on the 6th September.
The Nightingales are loosely made up of our returning singers and a couple of new ones and start on 13th September.
The Alkonosts are people staying online for whatever reason. Their zoom session will be broadcast from Lutterell Hall with the Songbirds. Your £15 membership allows you access to this session either live, or the audio recordings which are made available the following day with the rehearsal notes. The Nightingales session will not be broadcast on zoom but audio of the session will be available the following day too.
Seats are set at roughly 1 meter apart. If you’d like to move your seating further away, you are very welcome to do so. (Please don’t move them closer) Please respect people’s space and maintain social distance.
You are welcome to wear a mask either as you come into the hall, during the singing or both. I will not be teaching wearing a mask and I will be approx 2 meters away from the front row.
I will be doing a lateral flow test before the sessions. You might want to consider doing this too.
Anyone who feels at all unwell must not attend choir please.
There will be no paying on the door nor anyone turning up if not already assigned to that choir. Please only come along to ‘your own’ choir!
You will be required to print your own lyrics – these are in the files section of the Facebook group. A few days before rehearsals I’ll let you know what we are singing and you can choose to print just those words or all of them. If you don’t have access to a printer, you can read them from a device or make friends with someone who does have a printer!
Registration is by QR code!
The information from this will only be your name and the colour you sing – it’s not linked to the Track and Trace system nor will it be used to gather email addresses etc. It’s simply a way to streamline getting everyone into the hall quickly and avoiding mingling and gathering.
You will be required to bring your own refreshments (no alcohol please as Lutterell Hall is a licensed premises).
The tea break will be short and singers encouraged to stay with the people they sit with please. Please minimise movement around the hall to keep each other as safe as possible.

We are all very excited to return – let’s make it as safe as we possibly can and get as much out of singing together as we always used to.