The Liberty Chorus are a collection of around 20 ladies who met monthly for two hours at Beehive Hair Design to sing together. They are currently meeting online via zoom to rehearse.

Working with a smaller group allows me to get to know their individual voices a little but better which means I get to push them to get a really balanced sound. Ladies often go and sing a ‘different’ part (some of them have been known to sing every part available on our recordings!) which allows them the flexibility to explore the range and style of their voice. Keeping the group small and friendly has its advantages too – we do laugh A LOT!
Since lockdown, we’ve been meeting up and going through some of our old songs getting them into a recordable state. Ladies then record their own part at home, in much the same way as the West Bridgford Liberty Singers do, and send them to me for mixing.
We performed ‘My Love, My Life’ at Portello Lounge last November and its remained one of our favourites. Our recorded version has 2 reds, 8 yellows and 5 greens. We hope you like it.