It takes me a while to calm myself back down after a gig – especially when it’s a good one. And Monday night was a GREAT one.
Things came together, we sang well, we laughed and we smiled. We danced and we enjoyed all of our songs. It was a great feeling. We are very proud of our community choir, the sense of being together is evident in every rehearsal as well as when we perform. The words to this cracking song from the Lego Movie echo this!
“Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is awesome
When you’re living out a dream
Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side you and I are gonna win forever
Let’s party forever
We’re the same, I’m like you, you’re like me
We are working in harmony
Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is awesome
When you’re living out a dream”
I particularly like the bit “We’re the same, I’m like you, you’re like me, we’re all working in harmony”. It’s a great leveller being in a choir. There is no hierarchy, no social standings – everyone is on the same team. (We have some healthy rivalry between our ‘colours’ – the parts in the choir – for example, the YELLOWS really had Paradise nailed and we used this to inspire the other colours – and it really worked!)
I’m always amazed and delighted in the sense of ‘community’ we have. Thank you guys.
If you’re interested to hear our gig, the two files below have been recorded by our Sound Man – Rich (thank you – always). You might also notice that once we’d finished the whole evening, this song was out ‘outro music’…..